Building Fortunes Leads Package 1 – $119.95

50 TVO, 200 Premium Opt-ins, 500 MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers, 35 Ads on our Youmongus Ad Network Classified Ad websites, plus 1000 Traffic Visitors to your website.

  • 50 Telephone Verified Opt-in (TVO) Leads
  • 200 Premium Opt-ins
  • 500 MLMers/ Business Opportunity Seekers
  • 35 Ads on our Youmongus Ad Network Classified Ad websites
  • Special Bonus: 1000 Traffic Visitors directed to your website.

This package qualifies for the New Person Advertising Package (NPAP)

All TVO, Premium Optin Leads, and MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers will be added to your Lead Management System (LMS).

Your LMS never expires and includes our Phase2 website builder (free hosting), hundreds of hours of training, 27 Weekly Live Webinars and more.

You can send emails from your LMS directly to your leads and take advantage of our email tracking of people opening your emails and clicking on your website.

We will also use our traffic generating mechanisms to direct traffic to your website.

We set up the Youmongus Ad Network Account for you and you can place and edit your own Ads. (include picture, You Tube Movies and your website links)

The Youmongus Ad Network Account is a three month subscription valued at $150/ 3 months)

Building Fortunes Leads Package 1 – Monthly


When ordering Monthly,
Please use your Credit or Debit card,
NOT PayPal, Thanks!

Building Fortunes Leads Package 1 – One Time


Building Fortunes Leads Package 2 – $200.00

(This is double the number of leads of the $119.95, but not double the price)

100 TVO, 400 Premium Opt-ins, 1000 MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers, 35 Ads on our Youmongus Ad Network Classified Ad websites, plus 2000 Traffic Visitors to your website.

  • 100 Telephone Verified Opt-in (TVO) Leads
  • 400 Premium Opt-ins
  • 1000 MLMers/ Business Opportunity Seekers
  • 35 Ads on our Youmongus Ad Network Classified Ad websites
  • Special Bonus: 2000 Traffic Visitors directed to your website.

This package qualifies for the New Person Advertising Package (NPAP)

All TVO, Premium Optin Leads, and MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers will be added to your Lead Management System (LMS).

Your LMS never expires and includes our Phase2 website builder (free hosting), hundreds of hours of training, 27 Weekly Live Webinars and more.

You can send emails from your LMS directly to your leads and take advantage of our email tracking of people opening your emails and clicking on your website.

We will also use our traffic generating mechanisms to direct traffic to your website.

We set up the Youmongus Ad Network Account for you and you can place and edit your own Ads. (include picture, You Tube Movies and your website links)

The Youmongus Ad Network Account is a six month subscription valued at $300/ 6 months)

Building Fortunes Leads Package 2 – Monthly


When ordering Monthly,
Please use your Credit or Debit card,
NOT PayPal, Thanks!

Building Fortunes Leads Package 2 – One Time


Prepaid Leads Package 1 – $500.00

This what you receive when you order the Building Fortunes Prepaid Leads Package 1: $500

This $500 PrePaid Package is based on the pricing schedule for 4 monthly $200 Monthly packages (100 TVO, 400 Premium Opt-ins, 2000 MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers, 2000 Traffic Visitors), when it is paid in advance (PrePaid).  You receive more TVO Leads per month. The leads will delivered over a 4 month period, unless other arrangements are made.

You will receive an $800 amount of leads for $500, when you PrePay.

This is the perfect package if you are already planning on working your business consistently.

  • 125 Telephone Verified Opt-in (TVO) Leads/month x 4 months (500 Total)
  • 400 Premium Opt-ins x 4 months (1600 Total)
  • 2000 Traffic Visitors directed to your website/ month (8000 Total)
  • 2000 MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers x 4 months (8000 Total)
  • LMS (Lead Management System)
  • Phase2 Personalized website
  • Phase3 Marketing Websites with Movies and with Youmongus Blog
  • Making Sales or Excuses Continuous Training Course
  • PM Notify Instant Notification System
  • Training (400+ Archived Conference Calls, 19 Movies, 2 Online and Phone Training Courses)
  • Live and Online Customer Service and Support
  • 10% of the your order added as PM Dollars
  • New Person Advertising Package for each person you sponsor from this package (see PM Dollars for details)

Take advantage of our 4 x 2 Packages, with a Prepaid order.
In the 4 x 2 Package, every fourth (4) Prepaid Order, we will double ( x 2) the number of leads you will receive that Prepaid order.

(In appreciation for your business and your referrals, Extra TVO leads are added each month as a bonus, too.)
This package can be renewed after it is complete.

Prepaid Leads Package 1 – One Time


Prepaid Leads Package 2 – $1,000.00

No Contracts, No “gotchas”.

This $1000 Prepaid Package is based on the pricing schedule for 10 separate $200 monthly orders (100 TVO, 400 Premium Opt-ins, 2,000 Traffic / Visitors, and 2,000 MLMers) when it is paid in advance. Save $1000 when you Prepay.

The leads will be delivered over a four month period, unless other arrangements are made.

Order this package if you are working full time, or if you wanted to split these with your team. (Your PM Marketing Rep can work out delivery details)

You will receive:

  • 125 Telephone Verified Opt-in (TVO) Leads each month x 10 months – (1250 Total)
  • 500 Premium Opt-in Leads each month x 10 months (5000 Total)
  • 2000 MLMers/Business Opportunity Seekers x 10 months 20000 Total)
  • Special Bonus: 2000 Traffic Visitors directed to your website/ month (20000 Total)

All Leads contain full contact information (First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone, and Email address)

  • LMS (Lead Management System) for you and your team.
  • Phase2 Personalized website
  • PM Notify Instant Notification System
  • Training (400+ Archived Conference Calls, 19 Movies, 2 Online and Phone Training Courses)
  • PM Motivational Channel
  • Live and Online Customer Service and Support and Chat
  • 10% of the your order added as PM Dollars
  • New Person Advertising Package for each person you sponsor from this package (see PM Dollars for details)
  • This package also includes a Classified Ad on 15 Unique Classified Youmongus Ad Sites
  • See “What Is Also Included” for additional benefits

Prepaid Leads Package 2 – One Time


Building Fortunes Traffic / Visitors – $100

  • 4,000 Traffic/ Visitors
  • LMS (Lead Management System)
  • Phase2 Personalized website
  • PM Notify Instant Notification System
  • Training (400+ Archived Conference Calls, 19 Movies, 2 Online and Phone Training Courses)
  • Live and Online Customer Service and Support
  • 10% of the your order added as PM Dollars
  • New Person Advertising Package for each person you sponsor from this package (see PM Dollars for details)

Take advantage of our 4 x 2 Packages, with a Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly order.
In the 4 x 2 Package, every fourth (4) month, we will double ( x 2) the number of leads you will receive that month.

Please let us know which primary program you are going to work the leads for.  This will allow us to select the correct email campaign for you.

If you have special notes and/or comments, please write them in the Special Comments box below the credit card information when you get to that part of the ordering process.  If you are not sure, just write a quick note and we will call you to clarify.  We want to make sure we provide the best investment for your time and money.

Traffic / Visitors – Monthly


When ordering Monthly,
Please use your Credit or Debit card,
NOT PayPal, Thanks!

Traffic / Visitors – One Time


MLMers – $150

Order: One time, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Your Choice. No Contracts, No “gotchas”.

You will receive: 1000 MLMers/ batch

Many people find that working with people with MLM experience to be easier than working with people without. We have lists of people in MLM. Some will be interested, some will not. If you’re looking for people that can really bring your business to the next level, this is the list for you. This MLMer Package is sold in batches of 1000 names for $150/batch. The Leads are added to your LMS and/ sent as a csv file.

All Leads contain this contact information (First Name, Last Name, Phone, and Email address)

  • LMS (Lead Management System) for you and your team.
  • Phase2 Personalized website
  • PM Notify Instant Notification System
  • Training (400+ Archived Conference Calls, 19 Movies, 2 Online and Phone Training Courses)
  • PM Motivational Channel
  • Live and Online Customer Service and Support and Chat
  • 10% of the your order added as PM Dollars
  • New Person Advertising Package for each person you sponsor from this package (see PM Dollars for details)
  • This package also includes a Classified Ad on 15 Unique Classified Youmongus Ad Sites

*** More Bonuses: Our 4 x 2 Special
Take advantage of our 4 x 2 Packages, with a Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly order. In the 4 x 2 Special, every fourth (4) order, we will double ( x 2) the number of leads you will receive that order.

For example, order the $150 monthly order, and in the fourth month you will receive 2000 MLMer leads in the fourth month.

MLMers – Monthly


When ordering Monthly,
Please use your Credit or Debit card,
NOT PayPal, Thanks!

MLMers – One Time


Phase3 Websites Builder and Lead Capture Pages – $19.95 Monthly

Building Fortunes Phase3 Marketing System: $19.95 Monthly

  • Phase3 Personalized Websites- Customize and use 5 Templates
  • These could be complete websites or capture pages
  • Insert your own text, your own videos, and your own pictures
  • With or Without Your Ads/Banners option
  • Phase3 includes editable Youmongus Movies
  • Includes Your Own Youmongus Blog
  • LMS (Lead Management System) for you and your team.
  • PM Notify Instant Notification System
  • Training (400+ Archived Conference Calls, 20 Training Movies, 2 Online and Phone Training Courses)
  • PM Motivational Channel
  • Live and Online Customer Service and Support and Chat
  • 10% of the your order added as PM Dollars
  • Includes Phase3 Guarantee
  • Make money with Ads-Your own ads or banners as you drive traffic to your Phase3 sites.

Live Examples:
( we use these for demo purposes, and they are always being modified as we show people how to use them )

Note: Each of the sites below will open in their own window, and some be inactive as we display different sites)

Fine Print:
No contracts. This is a great way to get started… you can do the Ads and Banners yourself, if you know how, or not use them at all if you do not want to. If you have questions, ask your PM Marketing rep or your Building Fortunes Affiliate.

Phase3 – Monthly

When ordering Monthly, Please use your Credit or Debit card, NOT PayPal, Thanks!

Master Mind and Mentoring and Making Sales or Excuses Training – $500

Master Mind and Mentoring Program also includes the Making Sales or Excuses Training – $500 One Time

“We may not be able to solve our problems and achieve the levels we want with the same minds that created them.”

Success in sales and building a business has a lot to do with habits and mindset. This is usually not developed immediately… it takes time, repetition, and a support group.

There is a One Time set up fee of $500 and a Monthly fee of $50. This is for you if you are a leader or if you aspiring to be a leader.

There will be several Live events each month. Many will be recorded for your review. Details will follow by email and phone. You will be asked to participate on the Building Fortunes Radio Show regularly. Benefits are included for active Members. We will cover a host of topics related to Business, Management, Sales and Technology.

Master Mind and Mentoring with Making Sales or Excuses Training – $500

$500 One Time

Business In a Box – $2500

More than less likely, you were directed here by someone you spoke to.

Therefore, here’s a simple page that outlines how to get you started on your way to owning your own economy with our ‘Business in a Box’ concept.

By now, if you have been on the Internet for any period of time, you have probably realized that flashy promotional websites with slick movies usually offer glitz and glamour accompanied by promises of profit deliver nothing else after you’ve bought.

The others are all hype and over-promotion.

We call ‘this’ our ‘Business In A Box’, because that’s what most of our customers refer to this as. Many of our customers say, ‘we have everything… it’s like a whole business in a box.’ So, that’s what we call it.

We do have almost everything you need to create your own economy. We have the products, the marketing and promotional materials and mechanisms, and the proven track record to show you how.

Now it’s your turn to control your own destiny and use our helps and guidance and sales help to turn a profit in your own business.

You cannot control the national economy.

If interest rates rise, jobs are outsourced overseas, unemployment increases and political decisions negatively impact our economy, there is nothing you, personally, can do about it.

You can only control your own personal economy. How much you earn depends upon where and for whom you work. Would it not be better if you were in control of what you do and how much you are paid? Well, if you’re that type of person, of course it would be better. We want to show you how you can regain control of your life, your freedoms and your financial well-being.

The entire purpose of ‘Business in A Box’ is to show you how to create your own business.

Some people like to attach what they are already doing to this. So the simple answer is, you are really limited by your imagination, your creativity, your efforts and your ability to use us.

  • You will be able to build your own websites with our Phase3 website builder.
  • You will be able to develop your own Blog with Youmongus Blog.
  • You will have your own Youmongus Ad Classified website.
  • You will have your own Youmongus Ad Network Personal Account.
  • You will have your own Building Fortunes Radio segment.
  • You will have access to our Home Based business Training.
  • You will have access to our Making Sales or Excuses and Master Mind and Mentoring Programs.
  • You will have access to One Reseller Program for 50 subscribers.
  • You will have access to LMS and Phase2.
  • You will have access to all weekly webinars.
  • You will have access to order additional Marketing – such as traffic, Leads, and promotional products.
  • You will have access to posts on
  • You will get 2 Coaching Sessions with Greg Dwyer.

After the first year, there’s a $1500 annual renewal fee to cover back ups, maintenance, upgrades and customizations.

Business In a Box – $2500

Youmongus Ad Network Complete Package – $500

Includes set up and licensing fees for one year

  • Youmongus Ad Network Set up ($299.95 when ordered separately)
  • Yearly licensing fees (regularly $29.95/ month)
  • Phase3 Personalized Websites
  • Phase2 Personalized Website
  • LMS (Lead Management System) for you and your team.
  • PM Notify Instant Notification System
  • Training (400+ Archived Conference Calls, 19 Movies, 2 Online and Phone Training Courses)
  • PM Motivational Channel
  • Live and Online Customer Service and Support and Chat
  • 10% of the your order added as PM Dollars
  • Make money with Ads or give them away for free

Fine Print:

The setup takes One Week and you will receive your own Ad network with a separate domain name.

This can be a stand alone product, or you can connect to out World Wide Youmongus Ad Network.

The $500 fee includes the set up and the first year of licensing.

This includes hosting, security, maintenance and backup.

After the first year, the $29.95/month will automatically be deducted as there is customized settings, we will call you back to explain and set up. Support provided through FAQs, online webinars, and by our reps.

Youmongus Ad Network Complete Package – $500

Youmongus Ad Network – $50

The Youmongus Ad Network is a network of dozens of custom built Classified Ad sites. Each site has ads posted to it regularly. Traffic from the sites increase Search Engine results for our subscribers.

Each site gets thousands of visitors every month and Youmongus Ads are displayed on dozens and dozens of additional websites.

If you search for something online and see multiple entries for that item on the first pages of Google, Yahoo, Bing, Duck Duck Go and other popular search engines, it is likely to be the result of what we do on The Youmongus Ad Network.

Some companies charge hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month, but we’re not like other companies.

Just $50/month to run ads on 35+ sites.

You can edit your ads at any time for even better results. You Do Your Part, We’ll Do Ours. START NOW!

There are a total of 35 Unique Websites associated with The Youmongus Ad Network for this project. If you want us to list you on even more, we can… just contact us for customized packages.

We also provide plenty of training… and you get to use what we teach on other things you are doing, such as Phase2, Phase3, Youmongus Blog, etc.

Youmongus Ad Network – $50

It’s pretty obvious to anyone that works with us… we really do everything we can for our customers.

Your Own Economy Package – $100

The Your Own Economy Package. Sell and keep the profits.

When ordering Monthly, Please use your Credit or Debit card, NOT PayPal, Thanks!

Customized Capture Page linked to LMS – $100 One Time

When filling out the payment information, please provide the website the lead will go to after filling out the form and being entered into your LMS (Lead Management System) Hot Leads Folder under the Order Notes section.

Email Broadcast – $150 One Time or Monthly

In this customized Email Broadcast Package, we will send a series of emails to a targeted list of potential customers, businesses, and/or business builders. The content of the emails and the lists of recipients will be based on the website you provide. The campaign duration is about 30 days, and will start 1 to 3 days after you place your order.

Please include your website on the Order Notes during check out.

Email Broadcast Monthly Order

When ordering Monthly,

Please use your Credit or Debit card,

NOT PayPal, Thanks!

Email Broadcast One Time Order

Customized Package – $300

This is a customized package.

Customized Package – $500

This is a customized package.